Restoring Our Roots, One Tree at a Time

When George Vanderbilt first visited Asheville, North Carolina, in 1888 and began envisioning his private estate, the wooded slopes of the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains included vast numbers of American chestnut trees.

The edible nut of the chestnut tree in its spiny burr covering

Seeds from one of Biltmore’s hybrid chestnuts encased in a spiny, protective “burr”

History of the American chestnut tree

Known as an all-purpose tree, American chestnuts grew quickly to great size. The wood was strong and resistant to rotting, making it a prized material for foundations, fencing, and railroad ties while the edible nut was an important source of food for cattle, hogs, and wildlife.

Around the turn of the 20th century, a blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) struck the American chestnut tree, effectively destroying the species as a source of food and lumber. The blight doesn’t kill the tree’s underground root system, but once an American chestnut sprouts from an existing stump, it succumbs to blight before it matures into a tree.

​​Scaly, thickened bark on this branch shows evidence of chestnut blight

Restoring our roots

In 1997, Biltmore partnered with the American Chestnut Foundation (AFC) to provide a test site for hybrid chestnuts as part of the AFC’s work to restore this heritage tree. The AFC collected pollen and seeds from the estate and crossed the genetic material with blight-resistant Chinese chestnut trees. The seedlings were planted on a sunny slope near Deerpark Restaurant.

“In a way, we’re restoring our roots,” said Jason Mull, Landscaping Supervisor for many of the outlying historic areas of the estate, including the Approach Road and the chestnut plantings. “This project has a natural tie to the importance Vanderbilt and Olmsted placed on landscaping and managed forestry.

Jason Mull points out one of three original hybrid chestnut trees at Biltmore

Jason Mull indicates one of the original hybrid chestnut trees planted at Biltmore in 1997

The project continues

Jason has been involved with the chestnut project since the beginning and has now cared for several generations of trees. The test site includes a mix of American-Chinese hybrids plus full Chinese chestnuts that act as a control group.

“There are only three hybrid chestnuts left from the original planting,” Jason said. “They’ve grown pretty well in the last 20 years. They do show effects from the blight, but it hasn’t killed them.”

According to Jason, some of the more recent plantings carry a much higher percentage of American chestnut DNA than the originals because the hybrids have served their purpose in helping increase resistance to the blight.

Students from a local charter school help plant new hybrid chestnuts at Biltmore in 2013

Planting a legacy

“We’re continuing to work with the AFC to establish another planting site on the estate—preferably in the kind of wooded area that chestnuts tend to prefer,” Jason said. “If our trees continue to do well over time, that’s a wonderful legacy to leave for future generations.”

Featured blog image: Jason Mull and a student from a local charter school plant a hybrid chestnut tree near Deerpark Restaurant in 2013

George Vanderbilt: A Modern Art Collector

From a young age, George Vanderbilt inherited his father’s passion for admiring and collecting art. While George was inspired by the earlier artists his father admired, he also supported more modern, progressive artists who embraced contemporary themes and new technologies.

Let’s take a look at a few of the pieces in the Biltmore House collection that speak to George Vanderbilt’s love of ground-breaking artists and their work.

1. Ignacio Zuloaga’s “Rosita”

On display in the Louis XV Hallway

​Painter Ignacio Zuloaga drew from folklife and long-founded elements of Spanish painting—for instance, Rosita is lounging on a divan draped with a mantón de manila, an integral part of the costume worn by flamenco dancers. However, Zuloaga was also influenced by the philosophy and art of the French symbolists to explore different modes of expressing character and energy and encouraging personal interpretation. In this, the character and energy of Rosita is distinct; she is confident: a model at ease with being an object of beauty.

2. Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s “Young Algerian Woman” and “Young Boy with an Orange”
Young Algerian Woman

On display in the Breakfast Room

Renoir painted alongside fellow artists Monet and others to create a wholly new style concerned with capturing light, movement, and other optical effects. This Impressionistic approach to handling light, as well as Renoir’s unique style of composition, his use of underlying foundations and free brushwork, and his informal, intimate subject matter were all ground-breaking developments—represented in both Young Algerian Woman (above) and Young Boy with an Orange (feature image).

Fun fact: The Renoir paintings in the Biltmore House collection were likely among the first of his works in America!

3. Maxime Maufra’s “Vue du Port” (“View of the Harbor in Sunset”)
Vue du Port

On display in the Breakfast Room

Frenchman Maxmie Maufra travelled to England as a young man and devoted time to study the Romantic landscapes of Constable and Turner. While their dramatic skies and turbulent seas were impactful, his work clearly shows the influence of the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist schools in his handling of light and color.

4. Constantin Emile Meunier’s “Anvers” (“Antwerp”)

Not currently on display

Inspired by his travels and exposure to the industrial region of Belgium, Meunier made an important contribution to the development of modern art by elevating the image of the industrial worker, dock worker, and miner to an icon of modernity. While he certainly wasn’t the first to explore the theme of workers and industry, his portrayal of labor and laborers in forthright, heroic fashion was an altogether new approach.

Fabulous Fashion Find Yields Titanic Results

With our new exhibition Glamour on Board: Fashion from Titanic the Movie, we are celebrating not only the 20th anniversary of the iconic film that won 11 Oscars®, including Best Picture and Best Costume Design, but also the elegant wardrobes favored by transatlantic travelers in the early 1900s. On display in Biltmore House February 9–May 13, 2018, this exhibition is the first large-scale display of the original Titanic costumes and will showcase the exquisite detail meticulously recreated for these award-winning fashions. Just as portrayed in the movie, long days at sea fostered friendships and romances, including George Vanderbilt’s courtship of Edith Stuyvesant Dresser.

Planning the exhibition

In planning the exhibition, members of our Museum Services team wanted to ensure that guests understood the historical significance of Edwardian fashion as it pertained to Biltmore and the Vanderbilt family.

Leslie Klingner, Curator of Interpretation, conducted specific research related to the costume designers who created the glamorous gowns and dashing suits worn by the principal actors–as well as the extraordinary number of extras–in Titanic. Leslie learned that many of the costumes were original fashions from the era purchased for use in the film; others were created using original elements to make them look and feel as close as possible to authentic clothing of the era.

“While researching, I came across information indicating that the memorable striped ‘arrival suit’ worn by Kate Winslet’s character Rose as she boards Titanic for the first time was a direct reproduction from the January 1912 issue of Les Modes magazine,” said Leslie. “Knowing that Les Modes was a popular fashion magazine of the period, I wondered if we could find another institution that held that particular issue in order to reproduce the original fashion plate for comparison with the costume.”

January 1912 Les Modes fashion magazine features a costume later used in the film Titanic
A fabulously fashionable discovery

Leslie asked Lauren Henry, Associate Curator, for assistance with the search, and that’s when Lauren made a fabulous fashion find: Edith Vanderbilt not only read Les Modes, she kept a number of issues that are still in our archives–including the January 1912 edition!

“The magazines themselves are gorgeous,” Leslie said. “The covers are printed using a very refined technique called pochoir. This specialized process used a stencil-based method of printing that produced crisp lines and brilliant colors and was often used to illustrate fashion magazines like Les Modes,” explained Leslie. “The issues in our archives have metallic gold highlights on the covers and are in remarkable condition. Many look just as lovely as they would have when they were new!”

Fashion spread featuring five dresses in the April 1911 issue of Les Modes

We’ve always known that Edith Vanderbilt was considered a trendsetter when it came to fashion, but with the discovery of this treasure trove of magazines, we now know one of the ways she kept up with the latest Parisian styles on a monthly basis. In fact, she may have looked at the very dress in 1912 that would be used to express the height of haute couture more than a century later in the film Titanic. In another twist of fate, George and Edith Vanderbilt would make plans to travel aboard the ill-fated ship just a few months later, and though their personal arrangements were changed before Titanic sailed, a member of their household staff was lost in the tragedy.

Discover The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad

Opening in March 2018, The Vanderbilts at Home and Abroad exhibit, located in The Biltmore Legacy in Antler Hill Village, will further showcase the lives of the Vanderbilts as well as treasures collected during their world travels.

Featured image: (L-R) April 1912 and February 1913 covers of Les Modes magazines from Biltmore’s archives

First image: Leslie Klinger displays the large striped hat that accompanies the ‘arrival suit’ worn by Kate Winslet’s character Rose in Titanic

Second image: January 1912 Les Modes photograph featuring original design which inspired the ‘arrival dress’ used in the film Titanic (magazine from Biltmore archives)

Third image: April 1911 Les Modes fashion spread featuring five original gowns from the time period in which Titanic is set (magazine from Biltmore archives)

Olmsted’s Groundbreaking Work: Gardens and Glass

Chihuly At Biltmore Was On Display From May 17 To October 7, 2018.
Please Enjoy This Archived Content.

Long known as the father of American landscape architecture, Frederick Law Olmsted reached the pinnacle of his professional career with his landscape design for Biltmore–George Vanderbilt’s magnificent private estate.

Portrait of Olmsted by John Singer SargentA vision for the future

In addition to developing the extensive plans for Biltmore, Olmsted was a true visionary–looking ahead more than a century to understand how his designs would mature to create a stunning setting for America’s Largest Home® that future generations would continue to preserve.

From gardens filled with glorious blooms to carefully managed forest lands, Olmsted’s genius is recognized around the world and his contributions to the art and science of landscaping continue to be celebrated.

First in Forestry plaque with Gifford PinchotThe success of Olmsted’s protégées is also directly attributable to his mentorship, from Biltmore’s first forest manager Gifford Pinchot’s who went on to serve as the first chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service to Chauncey Beadle, Biltmore’s estate supervisor who managed and nurtured Olmsted’s designs for more than 50 years.

Masterpieces in gardens and glass
From May 17–October 7, 2018, Biltmore will host Chihuly at Biltmore, the first-ever art exhibition in our historic gardens. This exhibition features the works of globally-renowned artist Dale Chihuly set in the living backdrop of gardens that remain true to Frederick Law Olmsted’s design intent.

Just as Olmsted is known as a leader in the development of landscape architecture, Chihuly is leader in the development of glass as a fine art and he is celebrated for amazing architectural installations combining brilliant colors and striking forms that have entranced viewers worldwide. Chihuly at Biltmore features awe-inspiring artworks in both Biltmore House & Gardens and Antler Hill Village.

Dazzling by daytime, the exhibition sparkles during Chihuly Nights at Biltmore, when the sculptures are illuminated to showcase their spectacular colors and shapes.

The Conservatory at BiltmorePlan your visit now

Chihuly at Biltmore is included in your estate admission. The dramatic experience of Chihuly Nights at Biltmore requires a separate ticket purchase and is offered on select evenings by reservation only.

Featured blog image: Biltmore’s Walled Garden
— First image: Frederick Law Olmsted portrait by John Singer Sargent, located in Second Floor Living Hall of Biltmore House
— Second image: First in Forestry plaque at Biltmore, featuring Gifford Pinchot
— Third image: The Conservatory at Biltmore, which will feature several of Chihuly’s
Chandeliers during the exhibition

Remembering Mrs. Mary “Mimi” Ryan Cecil

Mary “Mimi” Ryan Cecil died on Friday, November 17, 2017 in Asheville, NC. Mrs. Cecil and her late husband, William A.V. Cecil, were active members of the Asheville, NC community as owners of the historic estate, Biltmore.

Born Mary Lee Ryan on December 11, 1931, she was the daughter of textile manufacturer John J. Ryan, Jr., and granddaughter of the prominent New York banker, lawyer, and builder James T. Lee.

She graduated with a B.A. in English from Vassar College in 1953. Notably, she was in the first class of female graduates from the University of Michigan Law School. She was elected to the Law Review in 1956 and was a partner in the Wall Street firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft.

William A.V. Cecil and Mary
Mimi and William A.V. Cecil at the reception following their wedding.

In 1957, she married William A.V. Cecil at St. Vincent Ferrer’s Roman Catholic Church in New York City. In 1960, the Cecils moved to Asheville, NC to raise their family and to oversee the management and preservation of Biltmore, which was created by his grandfather George W. Vanderbilt. Upon their return, Biltmore was transformed into a privately owned, profitable, working estate that was named a National Historic Landmark in 1963.

While supporting her family’s endeavors at Biltmore, Mrs. Mary Cecil became a legend in her own right within the community. Known for her relaxed and approachable manner, she was a familiar figure in the world of non-profit leadership, and devoted her life to making a difference in the areas of education, social inequities, the environment, and the arts.

She was a trustee and served 14 years as Chair for North Carolina Environmental Defense. In 1995, in recognition of her devotion and support of the organization, the Board of Trustees and Staff elected her Chair Emeritus, expressing their deep and lasting appreciation, respect, and love for her dedication to the welfare of the organization and her lifelong efforts to insure the overall betterment of North Carolina.

Mrs. Mary Cecil was a founding board member of the Nature Conservancy and Friends of the Smokies, and was recognized for 20 years of stewardship by the National Park Service for her work with Friends of the Smokies. She also served on the Board for the North Carolina Zoological Society.

In 2007, The French Broad River Garden Club and The Garden Club of America presented the Zone Conservation Award to Mrs. Cecil for her inspiring dedication to the conservation of our environment, natural resources, and mountain heritage.

She served as Chairman of the Community Foundation of North Carolina board for a decade, and was Chair of the Warren Wilson College Board of Trustees from 1998–2005.

Mrs. Mary Cecil was a supporter of the Asheville Symphony and Guild, the Asheville Art Museum, the Health Adventure, the United Way, and the National Forest Foundation. She was also active with the Buncombe County Board of Education, Hospitality House, John C. Campbell Folk School, and the National Parks Conservation Association.

She volunteered with the Mission Health System for 20 years and was a long-time member of The Biltmore Company’s Board of Directors.

Mrs. Cecil in South Georgia, Antarctica, 2004.

Mrs. Cecil was devoted to her family, sharing her love of travel, especially with her five grandchildren. As each grandchild reached the age of ten, they were able to pick a travel experience to share with her, creating a memorable tradition that spanned generations.

In the book Lady on the Hill, Mr. Cecil (1928–2017) recognized Mimi Cecil for her integral part in Biltmore’s success story and in supporting those efforts for more than 45 years. “She has been a wonderful wife and mother and has offered her considerable gifts, skills, and abilities to our community, our mountains, and our country. I am profoundly in her debt,” he stated.

Mrs. Cecil is survived by her son, William A.V. “Bill” Cecil Jr., and daughter-in-law Virginia “Ginger” Cecil; her daughter, Diana “Dini” Cecil Pickering and son-in-law George “Chuck” Pickering II, brother John J. Ryan III, and sister-in-law Jacqueline Ryan; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Remembering Mr. William A.V. Cecil

William Amherst Vanderbilt Cecil, owner of The Biltmore Company, died on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at his home in Asheville. He was 89 years old.

William A.V. Cecil was the youngest son of Cornelia Vanderbilt Cecil and the Honorable John Francis Amherst Cecil, and the grandson of George W. Vanderbilt, who built Biltmore House in the 1890s as the largest privately owned home in America.

Mr. Cecil stands in front of Biltmore House in 1985.

Mr. Cecil was born August 17, 1928, at his family home in Asheville. Educated in England and Switzerland, he served in the British Navy near the end of World War II. After the war, he attended Harvard University and graduated in 1952. He pursued a career in finance, where he served as a representative of Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, and later as an officer with Chase’s international department based in Washington, D.C.

In 1957, he married Mary “Mimi” Ryan, a lawyer with the Wall Street firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft. In 1960, the Cecils moved to Asheville with the intention of preserving Biltmore by growing tourism to the region.

“We don’t preserve Biltmore to make a profit. We make a profit to preserve Biltmore,” William A.V. Cecil was known to say. His vision for the estate extended beyond its gates to encompass North Carolina and the country, and he worked the next 35 years to position Biltmore as a unique national treasure and Asheville as a “must-see” destination.

Although his parents opened Biltmore House to the public in 1930, it was not a source of income for the estate. After 30 years, revenues from visiting guests had produced a profit only one time. The book Lady on the Hill details the tremendous challenges Mr. Cecil faced in restoring Biltmore to its Vanderbilt-era glory.

“There was this negativism that it can’t be done,” William A.V. Cecil said. “If you ever want me to do something, just say ‘It can’t be done.’ Everyone told me it couldn’t be done, so I just stuck my feet in it and I said, ‘We’ll see about that.’ And that is what motivated me.”

After years of dedication and hard work—including everything from writing marketing copy to taking photographs for estate brochures—William Cecil announced that Biltmore had made a profit of $16.34 in 1969. In the following decades, his leadership propelled restorations to Biltmore House, renovations across the estate, and unparalleled growth for The Biltmore Company based on his unique business philosophy of a profitable private enterprise supporting preservation.

Mr. Cecil

He was a leader in envisioning successful winemaking in North Carolina, planting vineyards, hiring a French winemaker, and opening the Biltmore Winery in 1985 when the idea of a successful North Carolina winery was unimaginable. Today, Biltmore Winery distributes wines across the country and is the most-visited winery in the nation.

His involvement in Biltmore’s preservation led him to found and serve as the board chairman of the Historic House Association of America, which later merged with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In 1963, his dedication to Biltmore’s preservation was rewarded when the estate was recognized as a National Historic Landmark. Mr. Cecil also received the National Trust Preservation Award in 1995 for “his unique vision and achievement in the restoration and economically viable administration of the Biltmore Estate.”

William Cecil considered tourism, preservation, and heritage as natural partners, and was active in a number of travel and tourism organizations.  He served as the 1972 president of the Southern Highlands Attractions Association, president of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, and president of the North Carolina Travel Council. In 1974, he was awarded the Charles J. Parker Travel Award. He was also included in “The North Carolina Century, Tar Heels Who Made a Difference, 1900–2000.”

In addition, he served on the board of directors for the Public Service Natural Gas Company, Carolina Motor Club, and the board of the North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry.

William Cecil retired from the company’s day-to-day operations in 1995 after nurturing his family business into a leading economic contributor to Asheville. The company now encompasses travel and tourism, hospitality, agriculture, wine, and licensed products, and is one of the area’s largest employers.

Portrait of Mr. Cecil

In an afterword to Lady on the Hill, Mr. Cecil wrote:

“I hope Biltmore Estate will continue to give its guests one of America’s most gratifying cultural and aesthetic experiences for years to come. I also hope that the commitment to preserving the great natural beauty that graces Biltmore is held sacred. The estate has given my family great personal and professional satisfaction over the years, and it has been my pleasure and my honor to share her. Long may the Lady on the Hill stand as a symbol of vision, inspiration, and imagination.”

William Cecil is survived by his son, William A.V. “Bill” Cecil, Jr., and daughter-in-law Virginia “Ginger” Cecil; his daughter, Diana “Dini” Cecil Pickering, son-in-law George “Chuck” Pickering; five grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.

Labor of Love: 40 Years of Christmas at Biltmore

Now in its fourth decade, Christmas at Biltmore has become a beloved annual tradition for both staff and guests of Biltmore. It is a holiday experience like no other, with more than 50 hand-decorated and styled Christmas trees gracing America’s Largest Home®—including the traditional 35-foot Fraser fir in the Banquet Hall—plus hundreds of wreaths, thousands of lights, and miles of garland that extend across the estate.

2019 Christmas at Biltmore Photo

Christmas at Biltmore

The celebration wasn’t always this elaborate—just ask Cathy Barnhardt, Floral Displays Manager. When she came to work for the estate 40 years ago, Christmas at Biltmore had happened exactly one time before. As part of her job she was asked to “do Christmas,” which amounted to decorating five trees inside Biltmore House.

“I went to work at Biltmore straight out of college, and I didn’t know much about Christmas decorating or Gilded Age décor,” Cathy recalled. “For my first Christmas here, my mom and I sat at a card table and made paper ornaments to hang on the trees!”

Making a change

After planning 40 and implementing 39 holiday seasons at Biltmore, Cathy retired this year. Developing and shaping the Floral Displays program at Biltmore has been her life’s work, and she leaves an indelible stamp across the estate, embodying Biltmore’s gracious hospitality with four decades of creative and elegant designs.

This year’s holiday theme is “A Vanderbilt Christmas,” a fitting finish to Cathy’s career because she always starts her planning with Vanderbilt stories.

“As a child growing up in New York, George Vanderbilt loved Christmas, and his journals reflect how his holidays were centered around traditions and family,” said Cathy. “And the fact he chose to open Biltmore to family at Christmas 1895, even though the house wasn’t completely finished, tells us how much he loved this season.”

Candlelight Christmas at Biltmore

As night falls over Biltmore, Cathy also loves to see Biltmore House begin to glow with candlelight and firelight, changing the mood and the experience. Candlelight Christmas Evenings allow guests to step back in time, experiencing the estate more like Vanderbilt’s guests did that first Christmas Eve 1895. On the Front Lawn, a lit 55-foot Norway spruce surrounded by 20 illuminated evergreens—70,000 lights in all—sets the tone. Soft luminaries line the walkway to the house.

“We started doing Candlelight in response to guests’ requests. At that time, we were only open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights,” Cathy explained. “We would work during the day and be at Candlelight at night. I was one of the candle lighters and got to listen to the musicians. Our guests loved it from the beginning.”

Through the years, the small gap between daytime and Candlelight Christmas Evenings remains one of Cathy’s favorite times. “The first evening I take a 30-minute break and simply walk through Biltmore House. It’s quiet, and I see all the planning come together and really look at decorations through our guests’ eyes,” she said. “I have loved that!”

Leaving a legacy

“When I started there were only 50 employees, now we have more than 2,000,” Cathy said.

Her team of seven full-time designers and 10 reserve staff members will continue Biltmore’s incredible decorating heritage, and she has full confidence in them.

“All these folks are awesome, creative people and great designers. Many of them have been here for 15–20 years! I’ve been blessed to work with them, and I will miss them,” said Cathy. “But what a wonderful opportunity this has been for someone like me who loves art and history and flowers!”

Christmas at Biltmore Visit tips

Christmas at Biltmore can be a lot to take in, especially for first-time visitors, so Cathy advises guests to start with the daytime experience, and then come back for Candlelight Christmas Evenings.

Historic Fall Fairs at Biltmore

In 1905, Edith Vanderbilt took a visionary step to foster a strong sense of community through the joy of friendly competition and shared achievement by organizing Biltmore’s first Fall Fair, a cherished annual event that became a highlight of life on the estate.

Archival photographic portrait of Edith Vanderbilt and her daughter Cornelia.
Archival photographic portrait of Edith Vanderbilt and her daughter Cornelia.

Seeds of Success

Featuring categories such as vegetables, herbs, domestic products, and needlework, the fair evolved over the years to include a diverse array of entries like flowers, poultry, and even honey. Edith ensured that every employee had the opportunity to join in by distributing free flower seeds to Biltmore tenants. Even five-year-old Cornelia Vanderbilt planted her own little flower garden before departing for an extended stay in Paris with her parents.

Estate Superintendent Chauncey Beadle judged the results of everyone’s efforts and prizes were awarded.

Archival photo of people and produce in front of the Market Gardener's Cottage at Biltmore
Archival image of agricultural workers and estate residents at the Market Garden, photographed in front of an elaborate display of estate-raised produce.

Biltmore’s First Fall Fair Yields Impressive Results

“I anticipate the event this year will surpass the initial results,” Chauncey Beadle informed Edith Vanderbilt in 1906.

Beadle once again judged the results in July, recognizing first through fourth place winners for both flower and vegetable gardens grown by families at cottages in the Farm Village, cottages of the Dairy Foremen, and the farms along the east side and west side of the French Broad River.

“Without doubt, the flower garden of Mrs. Matthias Smith excels in extent and brilliancy any of the flower gardens we visited,” Beadle noted of one winner’s efforts.

Biltmore’s 1906 Fall Fair

For the Biltmore Estate Exhibition that would occur that fall, Edith Vanderbilt instructed Beadle to give out gardening books as prizes for the winners in July. Beadle kept a list of the books he acquired as prizes for the gardens and to whom they were given, and he had ribbons and cards prepared for the Exhibition.

In early September, Beadle distributed a flyer advertising the exhibition to all estate employees.

Archival photo of Biltmore's fall fair winners at the 1921 NC State fair
Archival photo of Biltmore Estate display at the 1921 NC State Fair.

Prizewinning Categories

An impressive list of first and second place winners to whom prizes were awarded in the various classes includes Class “A” (40 categories of vegetables and herbs) and Class “B” (13 categories of field crops). Class “D” covered domestic products such as pickles, preserved fruits, jelly, wine, cakes, loaves of bread, and biscuits.

Various types of needlework such as Hungarian embroidery, Russian drawnwork, shadow embroidery, sewing school models were in Class “F” and a basket class included straw baskets, oak baskets, and rush seats. Estate records indicate that Mrs. Halyburton was top prizewinner in 1906 with 12 first place ribbons and six second place ribbons.

Archival photo of the opening of the 1921 NC State Fair
Edith and Cornelia Vanderbilt at the opening of the NC State Fair. They are standing in the right section at the center, with Governor Cameron Morrison between them. There is a uniformed band in the stands to the left and a group of people to the right, October 18, 1921.

Growing Interest in the Fall Fair

In 1907, James Charles Berry, the estate’s orchards manager and beekeeper, won a book titled The American Fruit Culturalist. Its inscription reads, “Mr. J. C. Berry by Mrs. Geo. Vanderbilt as a special prize for a well kept garden and house grounds at the bee farm. Special prize Sept, 1907.”

Interest in the event continued to grow year by year. Beadle wrote to Mrs. Vanderbilt in September 1908, “I can but repeat the strong interest that is manifest among the tenants and their families regarding the forthcoming exhibition.”

By 1911, Mrs. Vanderbilt extended invitations to the tenants in the farthest boundaries of Pisgah Forest in Henderson and Transylvania counties to participate in the “Annual Estate Fair” as it came to be known.

From oral histories, we know the fairs continued into the 1940s, and those who remembered attending them as children and adults have given glowing accounts of the fun and festivities and the camaraderie of the Biltmore farm families.

Archival image of Edith Vanderbilt and others at the 1921 NC State Fair
Archival photo of Governor Cameron Morrison (center) and Edith Vanderbilt (right) inspecting troops at the NC State Fair, October 1921

President of the NC State Fair

In 1921, Edith Vanderbilt was the first woman to be elected president of the North Carolina State Fair. She eradicated gambling to promote an educational, family-friendly atmosphere.

It was said of her that “Mrs. Vanderbilt’s record of accomplishment is of such an outstanding character that it points the way to definite service open to other women who are similarly actuated by a desire to aid in community betterment.”

Antler Hill Village in Fall at Biltmore
The spirit of community and fall splendor is alive in Antler Hill Village. 📷 by Sandi Stambaugh.

Our legacy Continues

Although we no longer hold a fair, fall is still a wonderful time to visit Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.

In addition to enjoying Biltmore House and its historic gardens, you’ll be captivated by the wonders of Chihuly at Biltmore, on display now until February 2, 2025.

Featured image: Edith Vanderbilt (left) and Cornelia Vanderbilt at the North Carolina State Fair, October 1921

Lucky in Love: The Dresser Girls and Marriage

Ward McAllister, a well-known arbiter of New York society, once said of Edith Stuyvesant Dresser and her sisters: “Every one of those girls will marry splendidly and they will never have to seek husbands.”

And he was right. Sisters Edith, Natalie, Pauline, and Susan each celebrated their unions with romantic wedding ceremonies and—though some were cut short—marriages full of love.

Natalie Bayard Dresser Brown in her wedding gown, ca. 1897 (cropped)
Natalie Bayard Dresser Brown in her wedding gown, ca. 1897 (cropped)

Natalie Bayard Dresser Brown

Natalie was the first of the Dresser girls to marry. She had been wooed by John Nicholas Brown, a member of the prominent Brown family of Providence and Newport, Rhode Island.

Edith Stuyvesant Dresser, Susan, and their governess, Mademoiselle Marie Rambaud, were living in Paris at the time and returned to the United States to attend the wedding.

The ceremony was held at Trinity Church in Newport in September 1897.

As their parents had passed years earlier, Daniel LeRoy Dresser, the Dresser girls’ brother, walked Natalie down the aisle. She wore the same diamond-accented veil worn by their mother, Susan Fish LeRoy Dresser, at her wedding.

Unfortunately, Natalie was widowed just three years later and never remarried.

Pauline Georgine Warren Dresser, ca. 1897 (cropped)
Pauline Georgine Warren Dresser, ca. 1897 (cropped)

Pauline Georgine Warren Dresser Merrill

Pauline, the youngest of the Dresser girls, was the next to marry. After Natalie’s wedding, Edith Stuyvesant Dresser, Susan, and Mlle Rambaud planned to return to Paris—this time, with Pauline.

However, before the trip took place, Pauline became engaged to Rev. George Grenville Merrill, an Episcopal minister, and long-time family friend.

The couple wed on December 1, 1897, at Trinity Church in Newport with Edith serving as Maid of Honor. And like Natalie, Pauline wore the same veil worn by their mother and was escorted down the aisle by their brother Daniel.

Pauline and her husband were happily married for more than 40 years.

Edith Stuyvesant Dresser in her engagement portrait, ca. 1898 (cropped)
Edith Stuyvesant Dresser in her engagement portrait, ca. 1898 (cropped)

Edith Stuyvesant Dresser

The April 1898 announcement of George Vanderbilt’s engagement to Edith Stuyvesant Dresser was a leading topic in newspapers of the era as George was considered America’s most eligible bachelor.

According to one 1898 New York World article, much of the speculation ascribed the engagement “to everything except the right thing—love.“

Many assumed the wedding to be a grand affair, but the couple decided to marry in Paris with as little fanfare as possible. As required by French law, there was a brief civil ceremony on June 1, 1898, and a religious ceremony the following day.

Edith’s gown was trimmed in the same lace worn by her grandmother nearly a century before. And she, too, wore her mother’s veil, just as her sisters had before her.

Her brother-in-law Rev. George Grenville Merrill assisted in officiating the religious ceremony and Daniel, once again, escorted one of his sisters down the aisle.

George and Edith enjoyed a beautiful life together at Biltmore until George’s unexpected passing in 1914.

Susan LeRoy Dresser d’Osmoy, ca. 1899 (cropped)
Susan LeRoy Dresser d’Osmoy, ca. 1899 (cropped)

Susan LeRoy Dresser d’Osmoy

Susan, the eldest Dresser girl, remained in Paris with Mlle Rambaud after her three younger sisters had all moved back to the United States. But she too would soon marry.

In 1899, she wed Viscount Romain d’Osmoy of Paris. Little is known about the ceremony. However, we do know she was given away in marriage by her brother-in-law, George Vanderbilt, as Daniel was unable to travel to Paris for the wedding.

And she also wore the same wedding veil as her mother and sisters.

Edith and her eldest sister Susan doing needlework, ca. 1890 (cropped)
Edith and her eldest sister Susan doing needlework, ca. 1890 (cropped)

A Legacy of Romance

The 1898 New York World article said of Edith Stuyvesant Dresser and her sisters:

“Now, the Dresser girls did not grow up really beautiful, but they had something deeper than beauty—brains…They were clever, too. When they opened their mouths people liked to listen. They had a way of saying bright things, or talking about the serious things in life—literature, art, music, politics.”

Perhaps it was the Dresser girls’ intelligence that allowed them each to be lucky in love and marry well—or perhaps it was their charm. Regardless, they helped to create a legacy of romance that enveloped the Vanderbilt name.

Though we do not have the wedding veil worn by Edith, her three sisters, and their mother, other special pieces of this romantic legacy are now part of our permanent collection at Biltmore.

A Tribute to the First Hostess of Biltmore

As the youngest of eight children, George Vanderbilt had a very close relationship with his mother, Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt, who became the first hostess of Biltmore.

After his father’s death in 1885, it was George who took on the task of caring for her, a task that played a significant role in the selection of Asheville as the location for Biltmore.

But before we delve into that, let’s take a look at a few pieces from our archives and collection that highlight their special mother-son bond.

The Elm Island Series

Photo of George Vanderbilt in 1873
Photograph of George Vanderbilt in 1873, two years after receiving The Elm Island Series from his mother

For George’s ninth birthday, his mother gave him three volumes from Reverend Elijah Kellogg, Jr.’s Elm Island Series and within each, she inscribed “George from Mama Nov. 14th 1871.” With titles like Boy Farmers of Elm Island and The Ark of Elm Island, one might guess that George had a taste for adventure, but the stories are also instructive.

Throughout the series, the main characters are faced with all sorts of ethical dilemmas that challenge their resolve to be upstanding young men, all while they navigate the treacherous waters of the West Indies.

Maria Louisa’s thoughtful gift helps to shed light on George’s boyhood interests as well as how deeply she valued and encouraged her children’s moral and intellectual growth.

The gift of a poem

An unsigned, undated poem was found tucked away among some of George’s personal papers. Bound with a ribbon, the three pages were composed in perfect penmanship. Upon reading the poem, it becomes apparent that it was from Maria Louisa, written for the occasion of George’s 21st birthday.

Through her carefully-crafted prose, Maria Louisa bids her youngest son to heed the call of work, to put right what he finds wrong:

To give a kindly word of cheer
To those who heavy burdens bear
Such work will bless, when nobly done.
And such work comes to every one.
He helps the age in which he lives,
Who does his best – and his best gives
To carry sunshine everywhere…

Just as his mother urged, George did, in fact, develop a sound moral compass and strong philanthropic sense, qualities that helped establish his original vision for Biltmore.

In the Blue Ridge Mountains

The first hostess of Biltmore: Maria Louisa Kissm Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt party near Biltmore Station; March 1891. Seated (L-R) are Margaret Bromley, Maria Louisa Vanderbilt, Marguerite Shepard, and two unidentified women; unidentified person seated behind Mrs. Vanderbilt. Standing (L-R) are Margaret Shepard, possibly Frederick Vanderbilt, and George Vanderbilt.

In 1887, Maria Louisa visited Asheville with George, now her designated caretaker, amid growing concerns over her health.

While we have no archival documentation stating the exact nature of Maria Louisa’s health problems, we do know that Asheville’s mountain air was promoted as a curative for a variety of ailments.

As a result of their visit, George fell in love with the area’s landscape—as well as its supposed medicinal benefits to aid his dear mother—and he set into motion the process of acquiring land for his country retreat.

Family portraits by Sargent

Painting and mannequin of the first hostess of Biltmore for A Vanderbilt House Party -- The Gilded Age exhibition in 2019
(L – R) Mrs. William Henry Vanderbilt by John Singer Sargent, 1888; mannequin representing Mrs. Vanderbilt with clothing recreated from that portrait for the 2019 A Vanderbilt House Party – The Gilded Age exhibition

Around that same time, George commissioned renowned artist John Singer Sargent to paint a portrait of his mother which is displayed in the Tapestry Gallery in Biltmore House, along with Sargent’s 1890 portrait of George himself.

In 1895, Sargent painted Richard Morris Hunt, Biltmore’s architect, and Frederick Law Olmsted, the estate’s landscape architect; both of these works can be seen in the Second Floor Living Hall.

Other Vanderbilt family portraits by Sargent include Mrs. Benjamin Kissam, George’s aunt, and Mrs. Walter Rathbone Bacon, one of George’s favorite cousins.

Yet it is Sargent’s portrait of Maria Louisa, titled Mrs. William Henry Vanderbilt, that has been referred to as “one of Mr. Sargent’s greatest successes in portraiture.”

The first hostess of Biltmore

Detailed paper wig created for Maria Louisa Vanderbilt's mannequin
Detailed paper wig created for Maria Louisa Vanderbilt’s mannequin as part of our 2019 A Vanderbilt House Party exhibition

Maria Louisa visited Biltmore only three times—once while the house was still under construction—before she passed away. According to the Guest Book, she visited at Christmas 1895 when the house first opened, presiding as hostess, and then again the following May.

After her passing on November 6, 1896, in New York, condolences sent to George came from many, including his dear friend John Singer Sargent, among others.

And though Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt was only able to visit her youngest son’s visionary masterpiece a few times, she is remembered fondly as the first hostess of Biltmore.

Plan your Biltmore visit today

Today’s guests can admire the Sargent portrait of Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt to the left of the door into the Library.

Whether you’re planning a surprise for your own mother or simply looking forward to visiting America’s Largest Home®, we invite you to join us soon.