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Explore spring as Biltmore blooms… then discover the treasures of King Tut’s tomb.
Discover Biltmore’s rare and beautiful objets d’art—furnishings, paintings, tapestries, and more.
Designed both for aesthetics and hospitality, Biltmore’s hidden doors were designed to create a seamless appearance but provide access for staff providing service and convenience for guests.
Discover a few of the often overlooked doors throughout America’s Largest Home.
When you’re in the Breakfast Room, your attention is bound to be drawn to the two Renoir portraits “Young Algerian Girl” and “Child with an Orange.” If you look just below “Child with an Orange,” you’ll notice the doorknob to the concealed door, designed to create a seamless appearance on the wall but allow servants to enter with hot meals.
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the hidden doors on the top floor of the Library? Here’s your peek. The doors located on both sides of the overmantel lead to a passageway connected to the Second Floor Living Hall.
Every detail of the architecture at Biltmore was carefully considered. To avoid the break in symmetry that would be required by a door frame, closet doors were concealed in certain rooms, such as this one in Mr. Vanderbilt’s Bedroom.
Although early plans indicate that there was to be an elevator in the Winter Garden, one was never installed and instead, there’s a ladder. The door is covered in marble slabs and is rarely opened except to allow for ventilation in the employee break room below it in the summer.
Be sure to look for these secret doors inside Biltmore House during your next visit, like this door designed for gentlemen to retire to the Smoking Room after a game of billiards.
What was George Vanderbilt’s vision for Biltmore? How does the legacy live on today?
Explore this itinerary to help you plan your adventure in the gardens.
Find expert tips for making the most of your Biltmore visit.
While our curators work mostly behind the scenes, their efforts are evident...